Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weigh In - Week One

Drumroll please............

I hopped on the scale this morning and I am down....

4.8 pounds!!!!!

Woo Hoo...is that a great start or what?

One week down...the rest of my life to go!!!


  1. Way to go girl! I knew you could do it. One week down. Your off to a great start. Slow and steady wins the race. I think I've heard that some where before. :) Thanks for the advice. I use it every moment of every day. Bite by Bite!
    We're in this together. Sounds like a HSM song.
    Anyway, Keep it up!
    Stay in it to win it!

  2. Lookin' good, keep it up! You can and will do this, it will take time. Stay true to yourself!! Proud of you!!! LOVE YOU, Tara
