Tuesday, January 19, 2010

W1D1 x 2

I'm really beginning to think that I just may not be able to do this. This whole running thing, that is. I mean, what was I thinking...really? Did I honestly think I could be a hundred pounds overweight and run? Can I just say that this is pure torture for me? It almost...almost feels like I am going to die, and I am only on week one.

So...since the 5k I am running isn't until the end on April, I have plenty of time to train. Since the program I am training with is geared towards a nine week schedule, I've decided to stretch out the first few weeks. Instead of doing week one for only one week, I am going to do it for two weeks. So...today I did W1D1 x 2:

Walk @ 3.0 mph
Jog @ 4.0 mph

Total = 25 minutes

All I can say is...I still HATE running! I'm too big to be doing this...really! I don't mind walking...I don't mind walking fast, even with an incline. It's the running that really gets me down. Will I ever enjoy it? Am I even going to make it to running a 5K? Am I even giving this enough time? Why am I even doubting myself? Ugh...

So...to my C25K partner: If we want to bail out now...I'll be OK (I think) !?!?!?!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up, your doing fine, GREAT! It's a struggle but, you will feel sooooo much better towards the end. LOVE YOU, Tara
