Saturday, January 16, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's my life...and I wouldn't have it any other way but...I am super busy at all times of the day and night...all week long! The kids and I were go-go-go all day today and it started bright and early with Payton's 8:00am basketball game. I had to give myself a little pat on the back as the kids bought packages of those little chocolate donuts (my fave!) from the vending machine and between the two of them...I didn't ask for one! Not a single one!

Even though my day started off with a sausage biscuit from McDonalds, as a very last minute breakfast while rushing off to the next thing to do, I didn't allow it to ruin my entire day. I was still able to take in 60oz of water, even though I wasn't sitting on top of a water cooler like I usually do while at work, and I had a really healthy dinner. For being a weekend, the hardest time for me, I have to say that I did really well.

To top it was W1D3! I walked at 3.0 mph and jogged at 4.0 mph for a total of 25 minutes on the treadmill. Day three into the C25K program...and I still despise doing it. I find ZERO joy in jogging/running and to be honest, I have no idea what in the ^%$# I got myself into! I'm not ready to give up though...I guess that's a good thing!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your getting into a routine, don't look back now, press forward! You can do this, you have to do this for you and the kiddos!! LOVE YOU, Tara
