Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today Is The Day!

Today is the day...the 1st day of the rest of my life! Once again ---and I say that lightly---I am beginning a journey to a better me...a healthier me! On this day, I am beginning to eat less and exercise more! I have carried this weight for far too long and I am far too young to feel this old and this out of shape! By taking this journey one day at a time and even one bite at a time, if needs be, I can be successful and I can reach my goals! I can do this...I will do this! I plan to be openly and painfully honest at times, in hopes of letting go of all my fears and failures, while at the same time allowing myself to be opened up to new ideas of how to eat healthier, lose weight and gain confidence.

Never in my 32 years of living have I ever been a "runner". The time has come...and my immediate goal is to complete a 5K marathon at the end of April....yes, roughly 3 months away! There is a cool website (www.coolrunning.com) that has prepared a 9-week training schedule geared towards people just like me! It's going to take me from the couch to running a 5K...and I'm all for it! It's going to take a lot for me to pick up this big 'ol body of mine and run...but I am determined to set a goal, give it my all and feel the pure joy on that day when I cross the finish line and know that I DID IT!

So...here is to my running partner, my sister Meghan, and the next 3 months...to give it all we've got...and to see just where this crazy idea will take us! There's no looking back now...

1 comment:

  1. You can and will do this! Be true to yourself and know that I'm praying for you all the way sister!! It will only be a matter of time before you feel like "Jennifer" again. As I'm typing this post, the words (song), "Jesus take the wheel" keep playing over and over in my head. Let go and let GOD take the wheel from you, HE's in control!!! LOVE YOU, Tara
